Adam Menter
Autodesk, Business Architect
Adam is a systems thinker and doer. He works at Autodesk as a business architect focused on customer learning and community. Prior to this role, Adam managed Autodesk’s learning programs for sustainable engineering and design. He has also worked as a design strategist at Jump Associates. He has both a mechanical engineering degree and an MBA. His current interests include organizational design, transpersonal psychology, and feminism. He is at home in the redwoods.

Ajay Tallam
IT Coordinator and Americorps Alum
I have been loving everything i'm learning about coaching/counseling (aka, the mind!), tho I'm not sure if i can lead anything around that.I have really been enjoying counseling/coaching so i'd be down to do a little of that, and drop-in with folks.I'll have to think more about this one! I'd love to lead or help with something but i'm not sure what!

Alana Herro
Antenna Group, Account Supervisor
Experienced sustainability communicator. Relentless in driving the business success of environmentally-conscious clients through strategic communications.

Alejandro Moreno S.
VenturePad — Cofounder & VP Marketing
Launched a coworking space/business incubator (benefit corp) in Marin on March 1, handling marketing but wearing many hats. MBA in Sustainable Enterprise with a focus on the Wine Industry; Critical and Systemic Thinker. Marketing consultant, assist startups, small businesses and nonprofits with strategy, web content, Squarespace web design, company voice, social media, storytelling, sustainability and getting funded. Bi-cultural polyglot, natively fluent English and Spanish, conversational French and Italian. Other job is Certified ''Imprenditore Agricolo Professionale'', olive tree farmer and property manager for my family's organic farm in Tuscany, lunatoscana.vacations, where we harvest olives every November: Next big project there is a vineyard. Amateur oenophile. Advisory board member for the Marin Sustainable Enterprise Conference.

Alex Bierach
Observe, CEO
I want to help people develop healthier relationships with themselves and others. I'm interested in facilitating healing and transformation in human systems. I'm excited about all forms of 'assisted self-discovery' (therapy, coaching, education, mindfulness, books, apps, etc.). I work as a software developer at Kunai Consulting and as a leadership consultant at my company Observe.

Amanda Ravenhill
Buckminster Fuller Institute, Executive Director
Ravenhill is an active member of the international community focused on addressing imminent global challenges. She previously held the role of Executive Director of Project Drawdown, a comprehensive plan to reverse global warming. She also serves as advisor to the Center for Carbon Removal and is a member of the steering committee for the Nexus Global Climate Change Working Group. Other positions she has held include lecturer at Presidio Graduate School, teaching the Principles of Sustainable Management course; co-founder of The Hero Hatchery, a climate activist fellowship program; Business Partnership Coordinator at 350.org; and Americorp Sustainable Communities and Education Fellow. Ravenhill is driven by her experience living and working internationally as well as her enthusiasm to integrate art and science. She lectures and speaks publicly on such wide-ranging topics as biochar, regenerative design, carbon drawdown strategies, mindfulness, and systems thinking.

Annette Poliwka
Ask me.

Ariana Katovich
Katalyst, Self
Entrepreneurial and creative strategist, program manager and networker. I excel at building teams, public speaking, and developing fresh ideas. I enjoy the big picture vision, but also embrace the details needed to get big things done. As a creative, I enjoy finding fresh solutions and implementing fun and exciting ideas. Some of my projects include the Streets Alive Project, which has put over 100 pieces of public art in the East SF Bay, Starting the Coastal Fund at UCSB, Managing a grant program for wetland and watershed restoration with the Earth Island Institute, and leading operations at Cutting Edge Capital. I now work for myself and assist clients in capital raising, program strategy, and thinking big.

Avary Kent
Conveners.org, Executive Director
Avary combines training as a genetic engineer and geobotanical field ecologist with an MBA in Sustainable Enterprise to lead impact focused startups from idea to reality. She has worked on Impact Metrics with HIP Investor, the IFC, and other corporate clients. She is the co-founder of Impactalpha an Impact Media Enterprise. She was the CFO and CEO of The Happiness Institute (a community video production studio in San Francisco) and VP of Operations for Puzzlebox. She has reincorporated her love of ecosystems through her role as Executive Director of Conveners.org a registered non-profit serving impact focused conveners and accelerators.

Benjamin Kimmich
AVAVA Systems, CEO/Partner
Housing Advocate and Entrepreneur. I believe we have reached a point in our society and level of innovation that every person should have access to the basic elements in life. This includes food, housing, education and health care. I spend a lot of time thinking about what kind of incentives we have set up for our society and if these are serving us. If not, how do we change them.

Brandon Peele
BrandonPeele.com, Purpose Guide - Author - Leadership Coach
Brandon helps professionals create careers of purpose, impact and abundance. He has worked with executives and teams from companies like Apple, Morgan Stanley, Johnson & Johnson and Google. Through his online courses, he has guided more than 2,000 people from over 50 countries. He has also taught live courses and lectured at the University of California, Northern Arizona University, The Institute of Noetic Sciences and the California College of the Arts. His book “Planet on Purpose” is due out in July 2017 and his work has been featured in USA Today, Fox News, Techcrunch and Conscious Company Magazine.

Brian Vogelgesang
Raizlabs, Engineer
I'm passionate about finding ways to use technology that can bring positive and impactful change underserved communities.

Brian Wilson
Lighthouse Information Systems, Inc., Senior Desktop Support Specialist
I like most things and ideas, love a good discussion and people alike. If one is to be judged by the company they keep, I would judge myself well, the friends who share my life are amazing... always looking for new folks to walk down the trail with.

Camille Herrera
CH Consulting, Communications Consultant
Fascinated by the intersection of citizen, consumer, and employee/employer within each individual. Passionate about making authentic, transparent sustainability the default operating standard in communities and organizations. Seeker of dance parties, hugs, and tasty treats.

Cassi Wright
BSR, Associate, Advisory Services
Cassi is a CSR consultant with experience in corporate sustainable strategies with a focus on human rights, stakeholder engagement, and ethical supply chains. She has a passion for diversity and inclusion and working with and living in emerging/developing countries. She is looking for implementation based opportunities to apply her strategy background, so don’t hesitate to come give her a hug and start kicking ideas around! She is also passionate about salsa dancing, connecting with others in deep, meaningful conversations, world travel, co-housing options, personal development, and somatic experiencing.

Christina Olsen
Nutter Consulting, Urban Sustainability Consultant
Christina works in the messy cross-sector fun of urban sustainability and sometimes still keeps a hand in helping develop solar projects with First Nations communities in British Columbia. Some people think it's important that she has a couple of sustainability/environmental degrees. Christina actually learned far more from her past lives with a peak oil think tank, government contaminated site management group, UK environmental documentary organization, Caribbean conservation organization, and many other places she’d rather not mention. She also lived in a garden shed…twice.
Christina Cogdell
UC Davis Dept. of Design, Associate Professor
I teach in the Department of Design at UC Davis. I write books and teach about about crossovers in theory and practice between architecture, design, and the biological sciences. I teach a class on the history of energy, materials and design that covers 30,000 years of human history - it has completely transformed by view of "sustainbility" discourse today. I also teach a BioDesign theory and practice seminar, that for the first time has a lab component to it. I love huskies, cooking and baking, straightforward honest conversation, and people who care enough to do something about what they really care about. I'd rather buy an old house than build a new one, although I considered both when i moved to the tiny town of Winters. I look forward to meeting you all!

Corinna Kester
Sustainability Consultant
Corinna works in corporate responsibility and environmental activism. She holds an MBA from UC Berkeley and a Masters in Sustainability from the University of Cambridge. At GMS, you'll find her spinning poi under the redwoods, wearing silly hats on kitchen shifts, and caught up in late-night discussions by the fire.

Daniel Ford
Vium Inc, VP of Software and Data Science
Daniel has a wide range of interests, from art, to math, bio and physics, psychology, engineering, improv, meditation, and more. He can usually be found concentrating, begin silly, or dancing.

Dawn Danby
Dawn Danby is a designer and strategist focused on the ecological impact of design. Over many years at Autodesk, Dawn led programs to steer practitioners towards more sustainable practices in engineering, architecture and manufacturing. She has supported emerging maker communities in open source design and fabrication, as well as nonprofits, and hardware startups focused on design for social impact. Dawn began her career as an industrial designer, and worked in furniture design, digital experience [ux] design, illustration. She spent a year designing a tree-covered pedestrian bridge on the US-Canada border. Dawn co-authored the bestselling Worldchanging: A User's Guide to the 21st Century, has taught sustainability to graduate students, has lectured around the world, and was recognized by Fast Company as one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business.

Dorothy Borowy
University of Maryland, Graduate Student/Assistant
I am an ecologist who is passionate about understanding nature in the urban form. My research focuses on identifying how plant communities are structured in urban habitats and how this information can be used to improve cities for both humans and nature.

Elena Krieger
PSE Healthy Energy, Director, Clean Energy
Live in Oakland. Interested in energy, environment, health, sustainability, and science.

Elliot Goldstein
Sales Manager Team Lead
Speaker, activist, dancer and strategic thinker - I worked at Sungevity as an Inside Sales Team Lead from 2014 until it declared bankruptcy in March of 2017. Asked to stay on after the Chapter 11, I have ridden the "SolarCoaster" through the Chapter 11 multiple rounds of layoffs and restructuring over the last few months. I have a lot of ideas about the future of the industry after seeing first-hand how a B Corp with the best intentions can go down in flames.

Emily S.
Alameda County Sustainability, Sustainability Project Manager
Emily designs and implements strategies to promote climate action and employee engagement in one of California’s largest local governments. A current project is developing a revolving fund to support innovative projects. She is a certified Biomimicry Specialist and has been recognized by Next City as one of the top urban leaders under 40 working to improve cities. Emily enjoys supporting young environmental and civic leaders in the U.S. and abroad through advising, training, and hosting fellows and interns.

Eva Orbuch
Innovate Public Schools, Community Organizer
I am a Bay Area native. I spend my days organizing immigrant families to build power on a local level and advocate around education for their children. As a hobby, you can find me organizing with other Jews against the occupation of Palestine. I also love drumming, dance, and singing, and find joy in relationships, nature, and beauty.

Greg Delaune
UIX Global, CEO
Greg Delaune is an internationally recognized consultant, teacher, speaker, and writer specializing in sustainable economic development and public-private partnerships (PPPs) for green cities and smart cities. Greg has over 15 years of international experience in economic development, urban design, and regional planning policy, managing multidisciplinary teams in the formulation and execution of innovative development strategies, including applied research on integrated sustainability tools and techniques for emerging economies in peripheral Europe and Latin America (e.g. Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay). He is cofounder and CEO of The Urban Innovation Exchange (UIX Global), and founder and editor of the blog IMPACT URBANISM (www.impacturbanism.org).

Hitesh Soneji
Solar City, Product Manager, Grid Systems Integration
Currently exploring new opportunities working towards a decarbonized energy future and applying sustainabilityprinciples. Particularly interested in roles that blend problem solving, analysis, and research.

Holly Cobbold
Clif Bar & Company, HR Generalist
Holly Cobbold is an Human Resources Generalist at Clif Bar where she spends her time helping employees thrive, in and outside of work. She previously worked as a recruiter, in non-profit program management, as a massage therapist, and in various customer service positions, such as a bar in London and a farmer's market in Napa. Holly speaks Spanish and loves to travel - she has visited nearly 30 countries and is always curious and eager to continue meeting new people and exploring the world. She enjoys spending time outside, being with friends and family, and creating delicious foods to share. Holly builds community through her many interests - be it hosting a voter education party, taking people backpacking for the first time, or going on a 50 mile bike ride.

Holly Pearson
Urban Planner
Holly Pearson is an urban planner specializing in local strategies to promote sustainability, with an interest in cities in the U.S. as well as in the global south. Holly has worked for the Cities of Vancouver, BC and Oakland and San Francisco, California. She also worked with Fundación Biosfera, an environmental NGO in Argentina, and Oakland-based non-profit Ecocity Builders managing sustainable cities projects in Latin America. She currently serves as Sustainability Director with the American Planning Association’s Northern California Section. She holds a Masters degree in Planning and a professional certificate in International Development from the University of British Columbia.

Ira Morganstern
Ira Morganstern, M.D. is a Board Certified Psychiatrist who retired from Psychiatry in 2000 when he founded an Electric Health Recordcompany for Behavioral Health, based on a program he had written. He is pleased to think about the more than 2 million electronic records that saved innumerable paper and trees in the past 17 years. He is a now consultant to the new start-up, Bikeista.

Jared Morgan
Free Range Studios, Production Manager
Jared Morgan is a creative polymath, combining his passion for design, storytelling, and emerging technologies to unearth new brand identities and launch stellar first impressions online and out in the world. With curiosity and compassion as guiding principles his design process follows these simple truths: research and development are essential to success, trust your gut since the first impression may be the last, and make it look easy.His 10+ years of experience at the crossroads between cutting edge technologies and creative team management on international blockbuster films, award winning documentaries, broadcast and online advertising have given depth and real-world pragmatism to his BA in English and Creative Writing from Texas State University. As a perpetual do-gooder working on social transformation, preserving collective wisdom and culture, and embodied awareness he finds deep joy working with other community organizers and change-makers.

Jenny Knipe
Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Postdoc Researcher
I am a materials scientist with a passion for appreciating and nurturing our planet. I’m working at the water-energy nexus to develop technology that utilizes greenhouse gases, purifies water, and helps restore natural balance. It has been alarming to see science discredited recently, and I’m eager to partner with people across all disciplines to create a positive change for the environment.

Jeremy Faludi
Faludi Design, Sustainable Design Strategist and Educator
Jeremy Faludi (LEED AP BD+C) has been a sustainable design strategist and educator for over fifteen years, including teaching green product design at Stanford, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, and elsewhere. He co-authored the Autodesk Sustainability Workshop and Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute's online learning, and has contributed to six books on sustainability, including Worldchanging: A User's Guide to the 21st Century. Jeremy designed the first version of AskNature.org for the Biomimicry Institute, a bicycle he helped design appeared in the Cooper Hewitt design museum, and he has consulted for the OECD on the environmental impacts of 3D printing.

Jessica Karr
Presidio Graduate School, Student
I'm interested in health and food equity. I spent five years at Impossible Foods doing product development and flavor work. I'm now working on my MBA at Presidio Graduate School as well as learning as much about Slow Food, permaculture, and urban farming as I can!

Jim Turner
WaterSmart Software, Customer Success Manager
I am honored to have been part of the team of wonderful beings that lovingly bring forth the GMS experience for eight years. The last year has been a tumultuous time of incredible life change for me, I am blessed beyond words to have had the love and support of the GreenerMind community during this time.
My 50 years of life has been varied and interesting, in both work and play. I have lived all over the U.S., enjoy international travel, and hope to continue traveling and living in new and interesting places. I began my work life in professional theater as an actor and, later, a Stage / Production Manager. I have worked as as a teacher / tutor, curriculum developer, conference developer and manager, facilitator, presenter, coach, writer, graduate business school professor, project manager, Emergency Manager, and non-profit Executive Director. Now, I help water utilities conserve and manage their water supplies through analytical technology as a Customer Success Manager. I am interested in the nexus of critical infrastructures and sustainability. My current passion is the study of Tantra and Kundalini Yoga and energy work with the goal of leading groups and individuals to self-love and at-one-ment.
Interesting tidbit: My first time at Camp 2 was not for GMS, it was for NorCal Witch Camp. Go ahead...ask me...you know you want to. Welcome (back) to the woods.

Jocelyn Ryder
Judicial Council of California, LiveCycle Designer
I am excited to be attending my fourth GMS. I feel at happy, comfortable, and inspired in this community. I am a performing artist, intersectional feminist, and I believe that Black Lives Matter. I like to support white folks in learning about racism and white supremacy. I also like to share my experience with noticing and stopping interpersonal control and coercion. My favorite podcasts are Another Round, The Black Joy Mixtape, and 2 Dope Queens. In them I get to hear the experience of women of color without asking my POC friends to explain to me how white people like me oppress them. My camp nickname is Validextria, because if you share your authentic experience with me, I will validate it and you.

John Richardson
CEO, Ethelo
John is the Founder and CEO of Ethelo, an online platform for group decision-making. Ethelo enables groups of any size to make smart decisions quickly and fairly. Ethelo’s social mission is to advance new forms of online democracy. Previously he founded Pivot Legal, a leading human rights group in Canada. Pivot uses the law strategically to advance the interests of marginalized communities, including drug users, sex workers, and homeless people. The Ashoka Foundation awarded John a 3-year entrepreneur fellowship in 2005 for his work in building social impact organizations. He divides his time between San Francisco and Vancouver Canada.

Josh Daniel
Software Engineer/Entrepreneur in Big Data and Sustainable Agriculture
Josh is a tech entrepreneur / software engineer passionate about climate change mitigation, regenerative agriculture, and big data, and is excited about the possibilities of social entrepreneurship, design thinking, and system thinking to help humanity survive and thrive. Josh has co-founded several social/environmental startups, worked on search at Google, studied the power of exponential technologies to transform the world at Singularity University, and studied artificial intelligence (and entrepreneurship) during his MSCS at Stanford.

Josh Van Vliet
Academy for Coaching Excellence, Director of Community Partnerships
Josh Van Vliet orchestrates experiences of community and belonging. He is a Course Leader and Director of Community Partnerships with the Academy for Coaching Excellence, and a certified life and leadership coach. Josh works to equip leaders with the skills to contribute resilience, creativity and support to creating a world where everyone is supported 100%. He is a co-founder of Coaching for Social Change. Josh is also an accomplished guitarist, bassist and singer, and loves getting groups of people singing together. You might also find him cooking communal dinners with his housemates (he lives in a co-op of coaches), or indulging his love for perfectly baked chocolate chip cookies and well-fitting pants.

Julie Menter
New Media Ventures, Principal
Julie Menter is a Principal at New Media Ventures, a national network of early stage investors supporting startups that create progressive political change.
Throughout her career, Julie has searched for opportunities to make a positive impact on the world around her. As a strategy consultant, first with the Boston Consulting Group and then with Blu Skye Sustainability Consulting, she has worked with large companies and non-profit organizations to redefine what good business means.
Julie is also a co-founder of the GreenerMind Summit: a 3-day retreat for change makers in the San Francisco Bay Area.
She is originally from France where she received her MBA.

Karen Driscoll
Stanford, Scientist/Independent Consultant
Originally from Israel, I came to the Bay area for a post doc working in computational biology (trying to understand the complex control systems that determine our physiology on a molecular level! When these break down, we get disease, etc. I focus on machine learning applied to cancer and immunology). Currently doing freelance (mathematical) modeling on various projects. Passionate about: NATURE! (PCT is on bucketlist), positive world impact, green living, and other humans.

Kate Goyette
Corporation for National and Community Service, Program Officer
I'm passionate about social and environmental justice, and I believe the business, government and nonprofit sectors can work together toward a prosperous future by becoming more creative and conscious about the way they work individually and together. I also try to bring mindfulness to activism wherever I can.

Katherine Silveira
BoominGroup, Business Architect
I'm passionate about uniting people and businesses in pursuit of a shared purpose. I started BoominGroup as an engine and space for entrepreneurs to join forces, build dreams, and learn a new application of business – one that can contribute to personal fulfillment and benefit for all.

Katy Ashe
Noora Health, Co Founder and Chief Design Officer
Co-founder and chief design officer of Noora Health, a social enterprise that trains marginalized patient families with health skills to improve outcomes and save lives - putting capacity into the hands of those who need it most. My background in environmental engineering, scientific research, and human centered design are explorations into understanding the world and attempts at positive perturbations in systems. Before Noora Health, I led research campaigns in the Peruvian Amazon on the devastating environmental and health impacts of illegal gold mining, while a researcher at Carnegie Institution for Science and Stanford University. I have a BS in Environmental Engineering and a MS in Environmental Fluid Mechanics from Stanford University. Writer, designer, artist, scientist lady with a love of water, community and everything else in the biosphere, too.

Kevin Ryan
True Value Company, Sr. Business Analyst
Experienced analyst with a systems perspective on analytics and projects. Diverse background of varied supply chain roles, often working as a liaison between teams. Interested in streamlining decision support and performance management using visualization tools and automation.

Komalta Rajani
Paypal, Product Strategy Lead
Product and technology leader with 10 years of consulting background. Passionate about social impact and want to use my corporate and consulting experience towards building products that will make a net positive social impact. I have 2 projects in mind that I am currently planning. If interested in contributing / tag teaming, ask me about them :)

Krista Maguglin
Genentech, Healthcare Analyst
I like most things and ideas, love a good discussion and people alike.

Laura Driscoll
UC Berkeley, PhD Student, Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Lavinia Frank
Learners Guild, Operations (and General Fixer)
I've been working with start-ups in the social and environmental impact space for several years. I thrive on helping good people tackle large, complicated problems. I'm good at asking the right questions to get to root causes of personal and organizational roadblocks, and thought-partnering on solutions to remove them. I jump in and get shit done.

Lindley Mease
Blue Heart, Co-Founder
Lindley co-founded Blue Heart, an organization that weaves together art, stories from frontline movement builders, and political education to mobilize people to give and act in support of grassroots, community-led organizations. Outside of Blue Heart, she is a lecturer at Stanford’s Design School, a mediator, a counselor, and a loving friend. Although her roots run deep below the Puget Sound and the Cascade mountains, she has fallen for the California coast and the Ponderosa pine-strewn granite of the Sierras. She has a fierce love for books, conflict mediation, community-building, backpacking, and dancing.

Louise Wo
Lou It Now, Producer and Project Manager
I'm a freelance event producer who works with social good and community-driven organizations. I am a dancer in a company called No Mirror Movement and we create dance performances and content with a positive message about body image and self-worth. I am passionate about helping others live creatively and playfully and I hope to meet people here that might spur on some ideas I have for projects.

Marco Colon
Abio Properties, Realtor
Born and raised in the Bay Area, Oakland and Berkeley mostly. I have a passion for community, and environmental preservation. I got the opportunity to go to Boarding school freshman year, at John Woolman (Nevada City, CA) and then to Oakland Tech's engineering academy & Berkeley High (class of '04). I now work in Construction and Real Estate and I'm currently interested in modular & Pre-fab home construction specifically for seniors and their long term housing needs. I see a great opportunity to provide access to housing and financial security through this option. I believe this could open up new ways we support each other as well as opening up how we think about assisted living in general. Looking forward to learning what I don't know I don't know and meeting all of you fabulous people!

Mark de Groh
UC Davis Energy Institute, Director of Development and Strategic Partnerships
For more than two decades, Mark has explored how place shapes the human condition—as a phenomenologist, historian, urbanist, and advocate for sustainability. For UC Davis, he builds programs and partnerships to respond to the climate crisis with urgency and at scale. With broad expertise around the energy-water-food nexus, he is a recognized leader in the sustainability and smart cities sectors. He is a longtime advisor for Meeting of the Minds and an appointed member of the World Smart City Forum as well as an advisor for a number of mission-driven organizations globally.

Lucas Plumb
Bikeista, Owner
As an architect, psychologist, and clothing designer for transportation cyclists/commuters, I'm passionate about evolving the culture/planet, inspiring connection, being abundant, eating healthy food, and designing spaces that are engaging for people to live/work in. At GMS17 I hope to offer raw energy, learning maps, and my understanding of the amazing possibilities that are open to us all. When I attended GMS15, I received a lot of input and support around my start-up BIKEISTA. Since then I have worked with two consultants that I met that summer, and am going to soon be working with a third one, so GMS has been a huge support for me. I am also still hoping to find links to developers who might be interested in building-out my Urban Studios Project for those who want to reduce their housing footprint. I look forward to meeting all of you!

Matt Fitzgerald
Consumer Reports, Digital Products Program Manager

Matt Hsu
Upright Health, President
Since 2007, Matt has been helping people beat all kinds of stubborn, chronic, and debilitating pain. He is the founder of Upright Health and co-creator of the FAI Fix, a comprehensive online program to help people avoid unnecessary hip surgeries. He is currently on a mission to revolutionize the way people view, understand, and solve chronic pain.

Matthew Evans
Up Energy Group, Director
Costumes? Yes please. Fanny packs? Also those. Climate Finance and Social Enterprise? Sure, throw that in too. And Dogs!

Matthew Homyak
Stag Dining Group, President
President and co-founder of Stag Dining Group, an event production and catering company that services some of the Bay Area's top firms. I have a passion to connect people with great design, food and drink, that showcase craftsmanship and integrity resulting in authentic experiences and meaningful interactions. I am passionate about sustainability, design, skiing, fishing and camping and connecting with those that want to push the needle further towards a cleaner, happier and more just future.

Melanie McDougall
I'm a Canadian that came to San Francisco about a year and a half ago on a road trip. I had just completed my contract at Girls Inc. Limestone (a feminist non-profit) building out their first fund development and Marketing plans, and was looking for ways to contribute to a mission driven opportunity where I could have impact. When I arrived in the Bay area I was really impressed by the communities I found here, as well as the level of discourse around social change. So with only $1000 in my name I set out to try to find employment here. I ended up with a position at a local technical recruiting agency. I thought this would be a good opportunity to spend some time learning from the communities here while gaining an understanding how the industry disruptions caused by tech startups impact our communities. After 1 year my contracted ended and I am now between jobs and on a visitors visa looking for my next position. I'm looking to join a company where I can use my skills to contribute to a cause that I believe in. Most recently I interviewed at the impact hub, and an agricultural technology company.
Education: BSc in Psychology, MSc in Management specialized in Organizational Behavior Different contributions that I have made to my communities that I am proud of: - Raising awareness of mental health issues and helping people with mental health issues integrate into my communities - Coaching women on assertiveness- Coaching autistic individuals on social situations - Running multi-cultural events, including founding a cultural dinners club with over 200 members where individuals taught each other how to cook food from all over the world - Founding an outdoor adventures club and running events such as a 28 person 3-day canoe trip, cross-country skiing and cycling tripsSome of my plans for the next year if I'm able to secure employment in the bay area are to run some assertiveness workshops for women and participate in the development of communities that bring together mission driven individuals to start new projects.
Longer term, my ambition is to be an entrepreneur founding companies/non-profits that create some of the change I'd like to see in the world. In particular I'm driven toward initiatives that empower individuals through better understanding of themselves, others and the world, and the relationship between individual empowerment and the decentralization of societal power.

Miguel Castro
Emerald Kingdom Greenhouse, Agricultural Development Coordinator
Miguel is a United States Marine Corps Combat Veteran deployed to the “Triangle of Death,” Iraq in 2004/05, graduated with Honors from the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design in 2010 with a BFA in Industrial Design, traveled to California, immersed himself in vermiculture, hydro/aquaponics, and permaculture, attended the Inaugural Greenermind Summit in 2010 and the two following years. This all culminated in the redesign of his future. Miguel is now the Agricultural Development Coordinator at Emerald Kingdom Greenhouse, LLC. He works out of Emerald Kingdom Greenhouse’s office at Singularity University Labs developing Community Driven, Tech Enabled, Sustainable Agriculture.
Mikhail Haramati
California Energy Commission, Supervisor
Mikhail Haramati is a supervisor in the R&D Division at the California Energy Commission. Her group conducts EPIC grant solicitations for technologies that improve efficiency in buildings. Mikhail has worked on energy policy at the state, national, and international level for over 10 years, on topics ranging from the water energy nexus, lighting energy use, residential retrofit, co-digestion, green jobs, and energy data access. Prior to her current role, Ms. Haramati served as a senior policy analyst at the California Public Utilities Commission and legislative advisor for the Office of Ratepayer Advocates. Ms. Haramati began her career in the CPUC’s Energy Division, evaluating and planning energy efficiency programs for nearly five years. She has also worked as the Industry Engagement Manager for the energy and behavior evaluation firm Opinion Dynamics, and as a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She has served on several boards and commissions including the Efficiency Council of California and the Berkeley Public Works Commission.

Misha Berger
BuildATeam, Product Management
As the Head of Product at a nascent software development consultancy I have had the privilege to work with clients in a wide range of industries, from elderly care to freight forwarding.Prior to consulting I worked briefly in photovoltaics, biophysics, physical chemistry, and astrobiology as a scientist and engineer.I am increasingly investigating how I can empower those around me and advance altruistic causes around the world more effectively.In my free time, I enjoy organizing backpacking trips for beginners, finding and running California’s steepest trails, and seeing how far I can hike in a single long weekend (goal: 165 miles).

Mitra Ardron
Lumeter Networks, CEO
Passionate about solving problems at scale, currently at Lumeter.net which builds the PAYG technology that enables solar companies to work with underserved populations. In the past, co-founded APC.org (internet services and advocacy in the developing world), pioneered community solar in Australia, and built two companies around green materials. Also interested in IoT, clean tech, community living, and lots more.

Nathalie Arbel
I'm a writer and editor based in San Francisco. I usually work on topics like organization management, female leadership, psychology, and sociology. I love when I find nonprofits, independent writers, and social enterprises to work with, and before I started writing/consulting I was at YouTube. This will be my 2nd GMS and I'm excited to be part of this amazing community.

Nathalie Collins
Ideo, Senior Design Lead
Nathalie is an interaction and product designer, and leads IDEO.org's Launchpad program in San Francisco - currently focused on exploring ag+tech for low-income farmers. She climbs, cuddles, monkeys with acroyogis, and finds her favorite moments among smiles in the outdoors.

Nicole Greenspan
Gigantic Idea Studio, Marketing Consultant
Nicole is passionate about collaborating with communities to co-create a more just and sustainable future, using tools such as community-based social marketing, design thinking and regenerative design. Nicole has experience designing and managing projects ranging from waste and energy to water and agriculture. She is currently a Consultant at Gigantic Idea Studio, specializing in the promotion of environmental programs and behaviors through creative, multi-touch marketing. Nicole holds an M.S. and B.S. in Earth Systems with a focus on Sustainability Communication and Education from Stanford University and a Four Seasons Permaculture Design Certificate from the Regenerative Design Institute. When not exploring wicked problems, you might find her dancing, hiking, singing and asking empowering questions.

Nicole Sroka
Mind Moves Consulting, Change Consultant
After many years of working for big firms, Nicole launched her own consultancy focused on values-driven clients and projects. As a certified Organizational Change Management practitioner, she is especially curious about how to leverage the science of change management to drive positive impact. Nicole is also passionate about biking, yoga, mindfulness, cooking, and eco-tourism.

Nila Uthayakumar
As a strategist and systems thinker, Nila's approach can be summed up as 'the whole is usually greater than the sum of its parts.' Previously she worked on a team that built a remote-sensing based weather insurance program for farmers in East Africa and Asia. After living abroad for the past several years, she has made the Bay area home.

Nya Van Leuvan
The Root Solutions, Executive Director
Nya has always had a deep-seated passion for the environment and understanding human behavior. She is the executive director of Root Solutions, an organization that works at the confluence of both these disciplines. Her past work at Environmental Defense Fund was focused on the application of research in institutional design, sociology, economics and other fields to create policies and design principles that facilitate rational environmental decision-making, namely in service of preserving the world’s oceans. Nya holds a M.A. from the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, in conjunction with the Institute of Human Origins, at Arizona State University. She holds a B.A. from U.C. Berkeley. She was born and raised in San Francisco but now lives across the bay in Emeryville. On the side, Nya designs festival clothing and mixed metal jewelry.

Paulina Golikova
Yellow Seed, Marketing and Social Media
Paulina enjoys the study of food systems and social justice. She is an activist and greatly appreciates the power of art.

Peter Glenn
Glassdoor, Senior Marketing Manager
I'm passionate about bringing about ideas to life on the frontiers of tech, sustainability, and emerging markets. So far, I’ve taken on reimagining schools for the 21st Century and delivering solar energy to the 1.3 billion people without electricity. I currently help lead marketing for B2B products at Glassdoor in Mill Valley.

Rachek Barge
A3Ventures, Product Marketing Lead
Rachek hails from Czechzekistan, where she lives with her grumpy husband, Boris. By day, she is a crack digital product marketer focused on products that fight climate change. By night, she's a yoga wizard and dance machine. Rachek is known for her standup comedy routines, large costume collection, and thick slavic accent.

Rachman Chung
Rachman Chung, DC, DACNB, Chiropractic Neurologist
I am a former skateboarder who transformed my passion for movement into dancing and exploring this amazing world. Professionally, I am a chiropractic neurologist and natural medicine practitioner who utilizes the latest advances neuroscience and rehabilitation to help those suffering from complex health conditions, such as concussion, dizziness, migraines, balance issues and movement disorders. I also assist your average weekend warrior with sport and spine injuries. Everything I have learned and use as tools to help others is based on my desire to understand and intentionally engage the forces and experiences that shape who we become injured, suffer illness and when we are striving for optimal health.

Rebecca Perez
One World Play Project, Director of Corporate Partnerships
I am passionate about empowering people to live their best lives. I grew up in France and have travelled the world both on personal and professional voyages, working with Visa and the International Olympic Committee, and more recently with B-Corp/social enterprise One World Play Project. Also passionate about wine and food.

Rodrigo Silveira
Booming Creative, Managing Director,
The builder. Rodrigo makes dreams work. He founded Booming Creative recognizing the joy in encouraging and supporting others to actualize their aspirations. In our community, he shares his gift of masterminding projects and product design to support the development of businesses in an efficient and timely way.

Ryan Kushner
Elemental Excelerator, Communications + Partnerships
Let's geek out about cleantech, accelerators, facilitation and sci-fi!

Scott Oltmann
Fair Trade USA, Program Manager in Community Development (Consultant)
Scott Oltmann holds a B.A. from Northern Arizona University in Communications with minors in International Communications, Religious Studies, and Law. He is a professional in the non-profit sector and higher education across Latin America and Southeast Asia. For the last seven years, he has worked abroad in various capacities with non-profit entities focused on empowering small-holder farmers, at risk indigenous communities, and students in the global south. His experience working and living in the Amazon with an endangered indigenous people, the Seikopai (Secoya), on social, economic, and environmental issues is evidence of his passion for social and environmental sustainability, and the protection of equal rights for underrepresented groups.
Currently, Scott is pursuing an MBA in Sustainable Management at Presidio Graduate School and seeking professional opportunities in a business development role or social compliance in supply chain management. He is interested in working with a startup or any organization that is ready to think differently.

Sean Dadashi
Empathic technologist and systems thinker creating technology for collective empowerment and conscious evolution. We are reflected in what we create—so as technologists, our reflections traverse the globe.

Shing Kong
Trained as an environmental engineer, I once worked in water resources, water conservation, and international development. I’m currently figuring out a new path as I take on project management of large-scale art installations and art curation for festivals. I also practice Vipassana meditation, late-night dancing, and the life-changing magic of tidying up.

Steffen Kuehr
TekTailor, Inc., Founder/CEO
Steffen Kuehr is Founder and CEO of TekTailor, Inc., a Benefit Corporation with the mission to create more sustainable textile and apparel manufacturing jobs in Sonoma County and to change the way we purchase and manufacture products. TekTailor offers contract cutting & sewing services and owns two consumer brands: "Sonoma-USA" – focused on protecting our environment by diverting used materials from local landfills and turning them into unique and purposeful products and “BPE-USA” – dedicated to protecting our Heroes and Craftsman with highest quality protective and work safety gear. Before getting into manufacturing, Steffen worked in the mobile telecommunications sector and co-founded tripwolf.com - a worldwide travel guide and travel community website. Steffen lives in Marin County and is a proud dad of three.

Stephanie Staidle
The Right Brain Entrepreneur, Business Coach
Stephanie Staidle is a licensed art therapist and business coach who helps individuals and companies bring their visions alive into the world through businesses they love that make a difference. With an extensive background in psychology (BA from Georgetown University) and the arts (SNSImages), Stephanie has over eight years experience as a counselor, art therapist and personal development coach. She is a licensed creative art therapist in the state of New York (LCAT), and nationally board certified (ATR-BC). Prior to receiving her Masters in Art Therapy at New York University, she spent many years working for large corporations doing marketing and advertising for clients such as American Express and Clear Channel.

Taylor Whitfield
Kiva, Community Manager
Taylor has a heart for creating international community and finding solutions to environmental and social injustice. A Bay Area native and UC Santa Cruz alum, Taylor began in public health, promoting vaccine usage in Ghana and San Francisco. She found that many problems with inadequate access to healthcare could be solved through economic empowerment, and transitioned into that field by serving as a Kiva Fellow in Washington, D.C. and Nairobi, Kenya. After seeing Kiva’s impact in the field, Taylor joined the Community team in 2014 and has helped connect lenders and borrowers across the globe ever since. In her free time, she is learning to salsa dance, swims in the bay, and loves “takin’ it to the streets!”.

Ted Ko
Stem, Director of Policy

Tom Long
Founder, Grounded Guild
Tom Long change the paradigm of Death Care in North America. Create a sustainable social enterprise and e-commerce web marketplace where families (e.g. the LOHAS market), home funeral guides, and artisans will find each other. People, Planet, Prosperity, Purpose.Experience:•12 years directing organized camps, environmental education and retreat facilities; accreditation of 3 locations (site & facility, food service, programs, staffing, health & safety, administration, etc.)•20 years in business including 13 years as an entrepreneur; built a B2B payroll service through community networking and customer testimonials; provided unparalleled services to 325 employers; 10 staff; acquired a competitor; sold to a reputable, regional service.•3 years, finance and human resources for a county-wide United Way•25 years in Rotary; service above self to club, community, vocation, and international projects.•3 + years researching and developing social enterprise plan for Grounded Guild, family directed funerals and natural burial supported by home funeral guides and artisans offering earth-friendly burial goods.Education:•Bachelor of Arts, Social Sciences•Two Masters programs: Organized Camp Administration; Environmental Education Administration•Masters of Business Administration in Sustainable Business, 2013•Business Accelerators:oKick, Impact Hub San Francisco, 2014oBoost Camp, Santa Clara University, Global Social Benefit Institute, 2014oClean Tech Open, Western Region, 2015

Veena Muthusamy
Cushman & Wakefield, Manager, Corporate Responsibility
Went from a barefoot hippie planting trees abroad to corporate sustainability — I enjoy it all.

Violetta Tutunik
I’m passionate about social justice, climate change, sustainable food, making clean energy happen faster, and transforming the “culture of waste”. I hold a Masters in Sustainable Energy Policy from Columbia University and have worked in energy, political risk consulting, and politics. In my career and life, I’m interested in combining my passion for sustainability with making a positive impact in the world. I love to travel to other countries, learn from the people, and get ideas about what injustices need to be addressed. Since I recently moved to the bay area, I’m excited about connecting with this community and sharing ideas on how we can create a better world together.

Weston McBride
This will be my GMS #5. I was on a mission to ensure long-term, affordable, sustainable access to clean water for the world. Now I'm re-considering that mission. My areas of expertise are: Characters / Costumes / Cuddles / Consciousness / Conservation. I am passionate about problem solving with good people. One of my dreams is that more people think about the consequences of all their actions. For fun I dance. I am working to smash the patriarchy.

Yeshua Adonai
Systemic Innovation, Founder
Yeshua is a serial social entrepreneur & founder of Systemic Innovation, a consultancy agency empowering leaders design living adaptive purposeful organizations that mimic the deep patterns of life. He envisions a (re)connected humanity living as nature enabling thrivability of all life. His inquisitiveness led to rich experiences molding his interdisciplinary background; as a touring musician, U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant, U.S. Department of State diplomat, urban monk, meditation teacher, movement builder, community organizer, conference host, technologist, and founder of social ventures and non-profits. Yeshua operates at the leading edge of social innovation integrating biomimicry, regenerative development, and mindfulness.

Zeke Hausfather
Berkeley Earth, Climate Scientist
Zeke Hausfather is a recovering data scientist currently pursuing a PhD with the Energy and Resources Group at U.C. Berkeley, and is a research scientist at Berkeley Earth, a nonprofit research group. He was previously the VP of Energy Science at Essess, Inc, an energy efficiency startup that develops vehicle mounted thermal imaging systems, the senior climate analyst at Project Drawdown, the chief scientist at C3 Energy, and the cofounder and chief scientist of Efficiency 2.0, a behavior-based energy efficiency company.